Archive for January, 2014

Please CLICK HERE for the latest edition of ITVR after a hiatus of … well, way too long. A brief review of 2013, a look at 2014 so far, and Royal Rumble predictions as well as thoughts on the new WWE Network are all included.

What we were very, very much remiss in, however, while trying to cover so much ground tonight regarding the current product, was to not have offered our respects and fond memories to Johnnie Mae Young, 90, a legendary WWE mainstay and the only wrestler to perform in 9 decades, who passed away last week. Words can’t express how badly we feel about that oversight while recording, and only hope this mention can somewhat make up for it. She was an amazing, scrappy woman, ahead of her time, who will be very much missed. Let’s all give Mae a hand … and much love. You knock down those pearly gates, Mae! XOXO