Elimination Chamber Predictions

Posted: February 17, 2013 in Pay Per View Predix, Road to Wrestlemania
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*shamefacedly enters blogosphere after almost 3 weeks, pointing the way over to her personal blog at http://shortysarcasm.wordpress.com for reasons, excuses, and what’s been up with me/us, before continuing with our regularly scheduled program*

Tonight’s PPV is Elimination Chamber, the last pay stop on the Road to Wrestlemania 29, and it is shaping up to be an excellent program. With no further ado, please find our predictions below. And please check back later tonight/tomorrow evening at the latest to listen to our post-show podcast. Be well!


This match is obviously more just to warm up the crowd and entertain, moreso than having any longterm ramifications. With Team Rhodes Scholars prematurely (in my opinion) going their separate ways officially going forward, really Clay and Tensai as the more permanent tag team should get the win. But as the Rhodes Scholars are generally taken more seriously, and could use that little push as they head off in their separate directions, I give them the win.

Divas Championship Match: KAITLYN VS. TAMINA SNUKA

I don’t see the title changing hands here as Kaitlyn retains. She’s getting some more crowd support in recent weeks than before, and only recently won the title. This feud could use a chance to build, and, if done right, could actually inject some life back into the Diva’s division with Kaitlyn’s growing popularity and Tamina’s overall wrestling skill. But as it has some time, no need to switch the title tonight.

U.S. Championship Match: ANTONIO CESARO VS. THE MIZ

I’m going to preface this one by saying my odds being placed are 60%-40% at best here; neither result would surprise me. I’m going with Cesaro because I think he’s the guy WWE’s behind in the long term, and as of how they’re being presented generally has the better upside overall. However, WWE has been trying to transition Miz to a face, give him some credibility with Ric Flair’s endorsement of a few weeks ago, and might see the winning of a title as a way to continue that push. So he definitely has a chance – I am just looking at the big picture and thinking the Miz is taking awhile to get comfortable in his ‘good guy’ role, while Cesaro is proving to be a steady hand bringing some strong credibility to a secondary title – and their competing styles and worldviews/attitudes could make for a decent feud. I wouldn’t switch the title just yet, although I grant a compelling counter-argument could be made.

World Heavyweight Championship Match: ALBERTO DEL RIO VS. BIG SHOW

I’m going to go with Del Rio retaining here, followed by Big Show beating the living tar out of him. The time would then be right for a Dolph Ziggler cashing in of the Money in the Bank, in more ways than one – for reasons which will become clear shortly. Dolph Ziggler walks away with the belt heading into Wrestlemania. Especially given he has no other place on the card, this is my call.

Elimination Chamber Match to determine the #1 Contender to the World Heavyweight Title: JACK SWAGGER VS. RANDY ORTON VS. CHRIS JERICHO VS. MARK HENRY VS. KANE VS. DANIEL BRYAN

Okay – so first of all my winner prediction here is Chris Jericho – especially if my earlier prediction rings true that Dolph Ziggler cashes in his Money in the Bank contract. Ziggler and Jericho have a history, as Ziggler was responsible for Jericho’s being let go from the company (per storyline) and they’ve been in each other’s faces since Jericho’s Royal Rumble return. With the WWE Title match for Wrestlemania a near-lock (John Cena vs. The Rock and/or CM Punk), and it being spectacular in terms of star power but perhaps not so much in terms of athletic display, WWE often likes to balance this ticket, and Ziggler-Jericho would put on a hell of a show. And if this is some sort of farewell tour for Jericho – or even a more permanent/stable return, a run with the WWE title at Mania wouldn’t be out of place. And if Ziggler goes on to beat Jericho, then he’s established himself for the future. Thus, Jericho wins this match. Some side predictions, however: this is where Team Hell No busts up, especially with DB acting more heelish of late. I predict a match between these two at Wrestlemania as well – perhaps with the tag team titles on the line and the winner can choose his new partner. It will at least sow the seeds of dissension between these two. I think we will also see Randy Orton’s heel turn, and Jack Swagger’s return/push/character development progress … there should be a lot of drama and storytelling in this match. I’m looking forward to it.


It befuddles me – and other wrestling pundits, as to why this match isn’t in the Elimination Chamber, given that 1. there is as of now only one Chamber match where there are usually two, and 2. in terms of numbers and potential brutality for this grudge match, it seems tailor made for it. I get that they don’t want to risk it seeming like the Shield might deteriorate just yet in an every-man-for-himself-type environment, and I agree they have long legs yet on this supergroup – but perhaps teasing some dissension while they end up standing together, or as an attempt to break them up when they don’t, or just overall a way to up the physicality of this match, give them something to play with, it wouldn’t surprise me if this stipulation was added over the course of the night. In terms of win/loss predictions, it’s a tough one as I don’t think this is the place for the Shield’s first loss, but Cena, Ryback and Sheamus by definition tend to be – and should – be kept strong going into Wrestlemania. My prediction is the Shield wins, but there will be plenty of brutality, cheating and shenanigans, it will be a close-run match, and I’m going to go out on a limb and add that Sheamus probably takes the eventual fall. Maybe Brad Maddox does a run-in to exact some revenge against the Shield, getting Cena and co. disqualified and re-establishing himself as an idiot ne’er-do-well heel? Although that would do away with this potentially being the Chamber. I could also see Cena taking the hit here, to provide a relatively innocuous stumbling block in his year of redemption after last year, on his road to Wrestlemania, reclaiming his title and his loss to the Rock. But I’m going with by hook or crook, the Shield wins. The veterans here can withstand the loss, and the Shield needs to look strong going into WM. It’s too early to have them weaken yet.

WWE Title Match: The Rock vs. CM Punk (if the Rock is disqualified or counted out, CM Punk wins the WWE Title)

I’m going with the Rock here – this is ultimately going to be his rematch with Cena at Wrestlemania, which means Punk does not regain his title here. I also suspect he parts ways with Paul Heyman after tonight, as I’ve heard Punk-Lesnar (with Lesnar as the face?!) is penciled in as a possibility if other ideas (Lesnar-HHH, Lesnar-Taker) don’t pan out. But Rock-Cena is WM29 endgame, and this is where they’ll establish that. Easy prediction.

There you have it. And again, be sure and keep an eye out in the coming hours, day or so at most, for our post-show podcast! 🙂 Cheers, and be well.

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